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P: (03) 9853 1000
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Level 1 86-88 Charles Street,
Kew VIC 3101
PO Box 345
KEW, VIC, 3101
On behalf of the team at Crawford Accountants we thank you for your support during the past year and we wish you and your family a safe and happy Christmas and New Year!
Our office will be closed on Thursday the 23rd of December at 12:00pm and will reopen on Monday the 10th of January 2022 at 9am.
Merry Christmas!
Super is now following new employees
The ATO is reminding employers that, as of 1 November 2021, there is an extra step they may need to take to comply with the choice of super fund rules.
If a new employee does not choose a super fund, most employers will need to request the employee's 'stapled super fund' details from the ATO to avoid penalties.
A stapled super fund is an existing super account which is linked, or 'stapled', to an individual employee so that it follows them as they change jobs.
When a new employee starts, employers need to:
– the super fund they choose;
– the stapled super fund the ATO provides if they have not chosen a fund; or
– the employer's default fund (or another fund that meets the choice of fund rules) if the employer cannot pay into the two above.
ABN 'intent to cancel' program
The ATO is reviewing Australian business numbers ('ABNs') to identify potentially inactive ABNs for cancellation, and it has introduced a new automated process to allow taxpayers to confirm if their ABN is still required via a secure voice response system.
An ABN may be selected if the taxpayer has not reported business activity in their tax return, or there are no signs of business activity in other lodgments or third-party information.
The ATO reminds taxpayers that any income earned under an ABN needs to be reported in their tax return, regardless of the amount. By keeping their tax obligations up to date, the ATO can see they are actively undertaking a business.
'Backpacker tax' may not apply to some backpackers
The High Court has held that the 'working holiday maker tax' (also known as the 'backpackers tax') did not apply to a taxpayer on a working holiday visa from the United Kingdom who was also an Australian tax resident, due to the application of the Double Tax Agreement between Australia and the United Kingdom.
The ATO has responded to this High Court decision, noting that it is only relevant where a working holiday maker is both an Australian resident for tax purposes and from Chile, Finland, Japan, Norway, Turkey, the United Kingdom, Germany or Israel.
Working holiday makers who may potentially be affected by this decision are encouraged to check the ATO website for updated guidance prior to lodging or amending a return or lodging an objection.
Employers should continue to follow rates in the published withholding tables for working holiday makers until the ATO updates its website with further guidance.
The ATO notes that a working holiday maker’s residency status for tax purposes is determined by the taxpayer’s individual circumstances, but most working holiday makers will be non-residents (consistent with their purpose of being in Australia to have a holiday and working to support that holiday).
Beware of scams
Scamwatch is warning that scams cost Australian consumers, businesses and the economy hundreds of millions of dollars each year and cause serious emotional harm to victims and their families.
Cryptocurrency scams are the most 'popular' type of investment scams, representing over 50% of losses. Often the initial investment amount is low (between $250 and $500), but the scammers pressure the person to invest more over time before claiming the money is gone or ceasing communication and blocking access to the funds.
All age groups are losing money to investment scams, but the over-65s have lost the most, with $24 million lost this year.
Some simple steps individuals can take to protect themselves (and their businesses) are:
The information provided in this update is general in nature and if you have any queries of require further information or assistance with the above, please contact our office.
Get in Touch
P: (03) 9853 1000
F: (03) 9853 8298
A: Level 1, 86-88 Charles Street,
PO Box 3135 COTHAM, VIC, 3101