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On 25 October 2022, Treasurer Jim Chalmers handed down an updated 2022/23 Federal Budget with following summary updates.
FBT exemption on electric cars
From 1 July
2022, the measure will exempt battery, hydrogen fuel cell and plug-in hybrid electric cars from fringe benefits tax and import tariffs if they have a first retail price below the luxury car tax threshold for fuel-efficient cars. The car must not have been held or used before 1 July 2022. Employers will need to include exempt electric car fringe benefits in an employee’s reportable fringe benefits amount.
COVID-19 business grants are non-assessable non-exempt
The following state and territory COVID-19 grant programs are non-assessable non-exempt for income tax.
Changes to unlegislated taxation and superannuation measures introduced by previous government
Certain tax and super measures that were announced but not legislated by the previous Government will not be proceeded, including:
Certain tax and superannuation measures will be deferred to allow more time for policies to be legislated and implemented including:
Expanding the eligibility for downsizer contributions
The minimum eligibility age for the downsizer contribution will be reduced from 60 to 55 years from the start of the first quarter after Royal Assent of the enabling legislation. The downsizer contribution allows people to make a one-off post-tax contribution to their superannuation of up to $300,000 per person from the proceeds of selling their home.
The Government has also announced further measures to reduce the financial impact on pensioners looking to downsize their homes as:
Boosting Paid Parental Leave
Reforms will be introduced from 1 July 2023 so that either parent is able to claim the payment and birth parents and non-birth parents are allowed to receive the payment if they meet the eligibility criteria.
From 1 July 2024, the scheme will be expanded by two additional weeks a year until it reaches a full 26 weeks from 1 July 2026. Both parents will be able to share the leave entitlement, with a proportion maintained on a ‘use it or lose it’ basis. Sole parents will be able to access the full 26 weeks.
Digital currencies are not taxed as foreign currency
The Government will introduce legislation to confirm that digital currencies such as Bitcoin will continue to be excluded from the Australian income tax treatment of foreign currency. This maintains the current tax treatment of digital currencies where they are held as an investment. This measure removes uncertainty following the decision of the Government of El Salvador to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender and will be backdated to income years that include 1 July 2021.
The exclusion does not apply to digital currencies issued by, or under the authority of, a government agency, which continue to be taxed as foreign currency.
Reverse self-assessment of the effective life of intangible assets
The previous Government announced it would allow taxpayers to self-assess the tax effective lives of eligible intangible depreciating assets, such as patents, registered designs, copyrights and inhouse software.
This measure will not be proceeded.
Increase in Commonwealth penalty unit
The Commonwealth penalty unit will be increased from $222 to $275, from 1 January 2023. The amount will be indexed every three years in line with the CPI with the next indexation occurring on 1 July 2023.
ATO Compliance Programs
The Government has announced it will extend the following ATO compliance programs:
Multinational Tax Integrity Package
The Government has announced the following changes in relation to its Multinational Tax Integrity Package:
The information provided in this update is general in nature and if you have any queries of require further information or assistance with the above, please contact our office.
Get in Touch
P: (03) 9853 1000
F: (03) 9853 8298
A: Level 1, 86-88 Charles Street,
PO Box 3135 COTHAM, VIC, 3101